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Words easily confused: ТОЖЕ vs. ТАКЖЕ

Updated: Sep 10, 2021

Replacing то́же and та́кже with each other is one of the most frequent mistakes Russian learners make. These two words have the same meaning too or also, but they are not interchangeable and used differently. This is how to use them correctly in the sentences.

First, take a look at the English sentences in 2 situations:

  1. I like comedies. I also like musicals. / I like comedies, too.

  2. I like comedies. My friends also like comedies. / My friends like comedies, too.

The sentences in both situations (1 and 2) are grammatically correct. Also and too can be equally used in the English sentences like those. However, if you want to deliver the same idea in Russian, you have to think about the choices of тоже and также.

  1. Я люблю́ коме́дии. Я та́кже люблю́ мю́зиклы.

  2. Я люблю́ коме́дии. Мои друзья́ то́же лю́бят коме́дии.

In the first situation, we use та́кже because we speak about one subject (e.g. Я). This subject does different things (likes comedies and musicals). This is like adding more information about the same person.

In the second situation, we use то́же because we speak about different subjects (e.g. Я and мои друзья́). The people or things you compare have things in common (e.g. both I and my friends like comedies). It’s like showing similarities in English.

More examples with та́кже:

  • Мои роди́тели жив́ут в Колора́до. Они та́кже жи́ли в Калифо́рнии. (same subject – my parents)

  • Я изуча́ю ру́сский язы́к. Я та́кже изуча́л кита́йский. (same subject – I)

More examples with то́же:

  • Мои роди́тели живу́т в Колора́до. Я то́же ра́ньше жил в Колора́до. (different subjects – my parents and I)

  • Я изуча́ю ру́сский язы́к. Моя́ сестра́ то́же изуча́ла ру́сский в университе́те. (different subjects – I and my sister)

Another informal way to say та́кже in Russian is to use the word ещё (=more) or А ещё (when starting a sentence with this word).
  • Я люблю́ коме́дии. А ещё я люблю́ мю́зиклы.

  • Я изуча́ю ру́сский язы́к. А ещё я изуча́л кита́йский.

  • Мои роди́тели живу́т в Колора́до. А ещё они жи́ли в Калифо́рнии.

If you want to use also as a connector with a comma after it, you should you the expression Кро́ме того́, and also put a comma after this phrase.
  • I like comedies. Also, I like musicals. Я люблю́ ком́едии. Кро́ме того́, мне нра́вятся мю́зиклы.

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