Borsch is a masterpiece of the Russian cuisine. It takes about seven hours to make it if you follow the classic recipe. However, it’s worth every minute spent. It’s so delicious and nutritious! The taste of borsch is different with every cook. Besides, busy women manage to shorten the process by using, for example, store-bought broth and fully-cooked meat. However, borsch is made in almost every Russian kitchen. They say that a woman is a good wife only if she can cook borsch. Even though we don’t take that saying too seriously, it proves the nation’s love for borsch.

Хоти́те пригото́вить настоя́щий класси́ческий ру́сский борщ? Would you like to make a real classic Russian borsch? Here is a recipe for you in infographics. You can skip steps 1-4 if you decide to use a store-bought broth.

Good luck and enjoy your borsch! Уда́чи и прия́тного аппети́та!
Learn some vocabulary from this vocab picture My First Borsch.

Can you answer the questions:
Вы когда-нибудь ели борщ? Ну и как? Понравилось?
Вы когда-нибудь варили борщ? Борщ получился вкусный?
Watch my video "Как я готовлю борщ" How I make borscht.
russian? original? Don't be funny!