What is the corresponding Russian phrase for ‘final exam’? It cannot be literally translated as ‘фина́льный экза́мен'. The final exam week in most Russian universities is not just a week of exams. This period of testing students’ knowledge is almost a month (!!!), and is called “exam session” – экзаменацио́нная се́ссия, or 'session' for short - се́ссия. If you think you are under tremendous pressure during the final exam week, think how Russian students feel during the exam session and consider yourself lucky. Вам повезло́!
Students of Russian! Remember 3 не (3 don't):
Не бо́йся! = Don’t be afraid!
Не волну́йся! = Don’t worry!
Не панику́й! = Don’t panic!
Wish all the students Уда́чи на экза́менах! (Good luck on your exams!)