This short-form adjective appears in the street signs quite frequently. It means “forbidden; prohibited; not allowed” and it is derived from the long-form adjective запрещённый. As all adjectives, it has its masculine, feminine, neuter, and plural form.
запрещён (masc.)
запрещена́ (fem.)
запрещено́ (neut.)
запрещены́ (pl.)
The adjective can be used with a verb – Купа́ться запрещено́. (It’s forbidden to bathe.), or with a noun – Купа́ние запрещено́. (Bathing is forbidden.) When it’s used with a verb, it always takes its neuter form – запрещено́. When used with a noun, it agrees with the noun gender and number – Парко́вка запрещена́. (fem.), or Прохо́д запрещён. (masc.).
Что запрещено́?
купа́ние = bathing
парко́вка = parking
стоя́нка = standing (parking)
алкого́ль = alcohol
фо́то и видеосъёмка = taking pictures and videos
со́товый телефо́н = cell phone
прохо́д = entry
купа́ться = to bathe (swim)
по́льзоваться = to use
кури́ть = to smoke

Запрещено разговаривать с незнакомцами

This amazing road sign popped up near Moscow’s Patriarch Ponds a couple of years ago. It shows the famous devilish trio from Mikhail Bulgakov’s "The Master and Margarita" ("Ма́стер и Маргари́та" Михаи́ла Булга́кова) - Professor Woland, Koroviev, and Behemoth, (Во́ланд, Коро́вьев и Бегемо́т). What does this sign prohibits?разгова́ривать = to talk What is незнако́мец? The word has the same root as in "не зна́ю". The suffix"-ец" is used to denote a person. So it's a person you don't know = a stranger. This word is used in the instrumental case with the preposition "С" and in its plural form "незнако́мцы".