Olga JarrellDec 26, 2020Новогодние салаты | New Year SaladsNew Year celebration just isn’t right without traditional New Year salads. These are not light green salads, but mayonnaise-infused and...
Olga JarrellJan 13, 2020Старый Новый год | Old New YearС 13 на 14 января в России отмечают старый Новый год — неофициальный, но любимый в народе праздник.
Olga JarrellDec 27, 2015Атрибуты новогоднего праздника | Attributes of New Year CelebrationШампа́нское и икра́ | Champagne and Caviar While these items were in shorter supply during the Soviet period, it was then that they...
Olga JarrellDec 15, 2015Дед Мороз и Снегурочка | Grandfather Frost and Snow MaidenDed Moroz (Дед Моро́з) or Father Frost, the Slavic version of Santa Claus, is a symbol of the Russian winter and New Year’s holiday...
Olga JarrellDec 13, 2015Ёлка. Новогодняя или рождественская? Christmas or New Year Tree?Unlike Americans who think of a decorated holiday tree as a Christmas tree (рожде́ственская ёлка), Russians always call it a New Year...
Olga JarrellDec 8, 2015Новый год приходит с мандаринами | New Year Comes with MandarinsI made a trip to a Russian store in Salt Lake City a few weeks ago and was surprised by the number of different 'sweet' gifts for kids in...